FRICTION team coaching, your ‘compagnon de route’

“Just imagine…..your team stretches itself and concentrates on its collective endeavor”

The world is changing at an incredibly fast pace.

We help teams in rapidly changing environments move
from commitment and intent to
effective and empowered high performing teams


Effective teamwork is a gamechanger that gives you a competitive edge

So what is it that makes a team perform at its best? What exactly needs to happen in your organisation to enhance your team performance?


This is where Friction can partner with you. We support your team in being the best it can be and move them from commitment and intent to effective and empowered high performing teams. We help teams resolve key issues, unite remote teams, boost their success and most importantly equip them with the key principles of creating a empowering culture to ensure collective and lasting results.


Results your team achieves from partnering with Friction:
Resolve conflicts and performance issues, and create an empowered and open culture with new perspective
Setting team direction and enhance team playing, to successfully achieve company-wide goals
Unite teams to (re)discover purpose, help them find the right balance to make progress and create belonging



With our expertise we come to the best approach to augment meaning & performance


With our expertise we come to the best approach to augment meaning & performance
We work with high-potential individuals and teams aiming for high performance and success. In our approach we take a systemic stance, where we look at teams through various lenses (outside vs inside, task vs process, learning) and integrate this with stakeholder centered coaching. Apart from our expert knowledge in this field what truly differentiates us, is the use of constellations.  We draw out what is really going on under the surface, hidden dynamics so as to be able to shift habits or patterns.

We help establish psychological safety so the team can set about its task and achieve its goals. It is a combination of success proven methodologies with a more intuitive approach. As a result, teams are better equipped to help themselves.

Between what is said and not meant and what is meant but not said, much love is lost.

Khalil Gibran

Read more about our method and experience on this website. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.


Read more about some specific situations that occur in teams.


What can you expect from working with us? Read it here.