Open programme Friction LAB (Leadership Awareness & Boost)

Join a group of committed leaders who are all keen to experiment, challenge and be challenged.  Our Friction Labs tap into the collective experience and insight of you all. The focus is on experiential learning in a reflective and safe environment. The group we bring together designs its own journey on the basis of inspiring building blocks offered by senior Friction coaches.

How it works

  • Open enrolment  –  scheduled on demand
  • Audience : leaders with a minimum of 10 years’ experience
  • Start: April,  September, January
  • 6 virtual sessions – 2hours –  spread over a 3 month period


You become a better leader when you lead yourself consciously

Building blocks


Your story

A leadership journey starts with the leader and his/her life story. We want to explore with you what makes you tick, what makes you thrive, where you are stuck and what your authentic self looks like.


Vulnerability is the cornerstone of confidence. Leaders who invest in connection have the courage to be imperfect. They are their own best friend and they are authentic. We explore what vulnerability means for you and what you need to become wholehearted.

From sabotage to personal growth

We all struggle with defence mechanisms we have pulled up around us during our childhood to protect ourselves and secure belonging. At a given point this harness is no longer useful, however. In this session we identify our defence mechanisms, deconstruct and transform them.

The power of emotional intelligence

The EQ of a leader is the most important indicator of performance and development potential. EQ is not a static factor – quite the opposite is true. If you are aware and supported in the process, you CAN develop your EQ in specific areas.

Your leadership style

Insight into whether your natural leadership style fits the challenges your team and/or organisation face. How does your leadership style build on your personal strengths and talents? What is your stretch and potential for growth? Who do you want to be as a leader? How can you best serve your team and your organisation?

Friction – courageous conversations

This is all about the insight that conflict/debate/friction are needed to bring the organisation to a higher level. How do you deal with challenging situations? What is the team like in the face of adversity? How does it handle conflict? What can you support your team on its journey collective leadership?

To coach

Research shows that a coaching leadership style brings out the best in people. And yet sometimes the apparent paradox between letting go and being firm and directive shows up. How is that for you? Consciously using your coaching capabilities creates space.

Looking at your team through different lenses

A few creative techniques will give you insight in how you and your team relate and how you function as a collective. How can you and your team reach your full potential? How do you uncover what cannot be said? How do you deal with stuck patterns?

Strenghtening your network

Whether you believe in ‘networking is work’ or not, doesn’t really matter. Everyone belongs to several networks. The question is whether you know with whom you are connected and what the value of that connection is. Map out your network with a focus on ‘giving and taking’ and make it work for all of you.