When you can find your place with all parts of a system like this it is much easier to then find a step to better.

John Whittington: ‘At its heart systemic coaching with constellations has a very practical method for externalising, through a physical map, the client’s inner image of a relationship issue, leadership challenge or crisis. In a constellation everybody and everything that is present for the client can be represented. This includes abstract elements, personal emotions and societal dynamics like ‘anxiety’ and ‘the unknown future.’

‘When you can find your place with all parts of a system like this it is much easier to then find a step to better. This is because we can more easily make a connection to the underlying issue when we are in contact with a physical representative of it and allowed to include everything, just as it is. When we can create a spatial map of ‘what is’, we can then add representatives for people, values, beliefs and other elements and qualities that resource us. Then we can test alternative paths forward.’